Hermosa y confortable casa de cinco habitaciones y 5 1/2 baños, tres salas y un apartamento completo y aislado. Piscina con hermoso patio. Sala, comedor, área de servicio, parqueo techado para tres vehículos. Completamente cercada, muy segura. Localizada en el area de la carretera vieja a Leon, cerca de centros comerciales, bancos y colegios, supermercados y restaurantes.
Confi house of five berdrooms and 5 1/2 BR, three family rooms, formal, dinner, full service area and full apartment on the side. Covered garage for 3. Fully fenced in safe area in old Leon highway, just few minutes away from Managua, but without the rush and noise. Nearby are shopping centers, banks, schools, supermarkets and fine restaurants. Pool surrounded by an ample, well garnish garden, A must for a serious family.